Value Prism Consulting is a management consulting firm specialised in enhancing its Client’s business interests towards and from the Indian market.
Guided by an unwavering commitment of delivering high-impact tangible results to the Client, we have a dedicated Team of Italian and Indian professionals working from our offices in Mumbai and Milano.
Traceable to a proven track record, our Founding Partners have been working together in providing business advisory services across sectors of the Indian markets for more than a decade.
These experiences have enabled us to build a reciprocal trust with an important nest of complementing partners, leading industry sources and institutional networks.
Accountability and measurability in everything that we do, from the way we structure our engagements to the internal processes that guide our activities. We recognize that a consultant’s worth depends exclusively on the value addition that the Client inherits from the services provided.
Mindful that we represent our Clients’ values and image, we uphold the highest level of ethics across forums.
Integrity is rooted in all that we do. Confident of our capabilities, yet aware of our limitations, we present our qualifications candidly. Our belief is that inconvenient truth bares less pain than disappointment. Considering our Clients’ resources as our own, we maintain objectivity in all that we do, unbiased to our Company’s interests.
To ensure sustainability, VPC strategies are closely aligned with the individual Clients’ operational capacity and investment appetite.
On the back of exhaustive research and rigorous analysis, we have an unwavering belief in the efficiency of lean and well defined strategic blueprints. Evading superflous and generic deliverables, we strive to hone in on tailored and result oriented advice.
As a partner to our Clients’ growth, our incentives are aligned with their objectives.
Chief Executive Officer
Piero’s background, both academic and professional, brags extensive international exposure. He holds a BBA from the Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, and an MBA from the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.
Piero values accountability, rigor and simplicity. As the CEO of VPC, Piero applies his strategic clarity in configuring the optimal direction for reaching Clients’ objectives, aligning our success to their achievement.
Based out of India since 2006, Piero has assisted 100+ companies in setting up, enhancing and managing their business interests in the country. His intuitive spirit and lucidity in aligning business synergies have successfully driven numerous industrial, commercial and technological collaborations.

Chief Operating Officer
Rahul Rege is a Master in Management Studies with a specialization in Finance and vast experience spanning research, management consulting, business development and strategic advisory services.
Rahul values orderliness and consistency. As the COO, Rahul applies his process driven approach in defining objectives, constructing clear achievement paths and establishing seamless communication platforms with the client throughout our active mandates.
Rahul started his career as a senior team member with RSM McGladrey, the Indian unit of investment banking arm of H&R Block; moving on to Guizzetti & Associates where he was involved in managing the India based business advisory unit.
Antonio holds a Doctorate in economics from Bocconi University and a PhD in economics from the University of Paris Dauphine IX.
Apart from his role at Value Prism Consulting, Antonio is the Founder and President of Guizzetti & Associates, an international consulting company with offices in Washington DC, Milano and Mumbai.
Throughout his career, Antonio has served as a consultant to several international corporations. Among his key roles, Antonio served as an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public
Enterprises of the Italian Government and was appointed Chief Economist of the delegation of the European Economic Community (later to become the European Union or EU) to Japan.
Antonio is a member of the Italian Economics Association, author of two books and over twenty specialized articles and papers.
Dr. Pietro Maffioletti has held numerous Management positions in Tier 1 MNCs across a wide range of industries; including education, metals, and mechanical to name a few
Pietro has primarily worked in roles dealing with international business development and quality control, and has particular expertise in Europe, Africa and Asia.
As a Director for VPC he provides overall guidance on commercial and industrial strategies for our Clients.